So, this is my new blogging solution. The old blog I had on my site was never really a blog in the true sense of the word since it didn’t allow for comments etc. But now I’ve thrown myself into the hands of the WordPress platform and am currently exploring what it can do for me.
If you want to read the old blog, which dates back to May 2006, when I had just finished building the first version of this site, it can be found :Here:
The new blog is supposed to get updated a bit more regularly than its predecessor since the task of updating has now been made a lot easier, and do feel free to comment as much as you’d like, I’d be ever so happy!
It was great to see your blog. To read about where you get your inspiration from, what you work with, and to see pictures, was wery nice. Good luck with the work of the new paintings.
It was lovely to be with you the week.
Kram, Mun.