I am almost finished with painting no. 8 for the “10×10” show now. I have felt so inspired lately it’s a joy being in the studio. I even feel a bit restless when I don’t paint. I even dream about gesso boards, but it’s not a bad thing.
I was at the Tulca – Season of visual arts opening in Galway on Friday and the video art on display in the Fairgreen building was excellent. I have yet to visit the other venues, was planning on doing the rounds yesterday but got struck down with a head cold for the last couple of days so it didn’t materialise. Am feeling better now though.
Here’s one of the completed paintings. I am not going to show you all of them until the exhibition, so as to make it a bit of a surprise. The series is titled: “Ever After”.
You can read about all the other artists involved in the exhibition on the White Room Gallery website.
I don’t think anyone could have missed that it was 20 years since the Berlin Wall fell yesterday. I’ve watched a couple of programmes about the wall, life in the East etc. and I find it very interesting since I’ve been to the places they mention about and seen all the different parts of the city. It makes me even more inspired to work with all this focus on Berlin.
Oh, by the way, if you’re on Facebook and like my work you can check out my ‘fan’ page there. Just search on my name and you’ll find it.
That’s all for now folks!