Yesterday I completed the 10th and last painting for the 10×10 show. I’m really happy to have them all done, especially since I was quite pressed for time. I don’t think I’ve ever been as productive in such a short space of time before!
The weather is miserable as you would expect in November, but today we even had thunder and lightning! At least I don’t need to feel bad for spending most of my time indoors. I will now be shifting focus to my next project which will be curated by Maeve Mulrennan of Galway Arts Centre, (more info to follow). I have been aware of this project since the summer and had it in mind, while I was in Berlin etc. but haven’t started working on it yet.
They’re the new paintings behind me, but that’s all you’ll see until the opening on the 4th December.
This evening I was at a debate in the Nun’s Island Theatre run by the GMIT in conjunction with Tulca season of visual arts about art education and how it equips artists for life after college etc. It was interesting to listen to. Helen Carey, Deirdre O’Mahony, Michaele Cutaya and Aideen Barry were on the panel amongst others and the turn out was good.
On Thursday I’m heading to Dublin for a couple of days to attend the launch of the debut album of Sending letters to the sea and I will check out a couple of exhibitions as well while I’m there.
I’m the same don’t think I’ve ever been as productive in such a short space of time, it’s been crazy but im all finished now after a 14 hour drawing marathon yesterday !